Black Onyx Management is Black-owned applied research firm and management consultancy, that believes the journey of diversity, equity and inclusion is an intentional decision informed by empathy, a commitment to learning and a desire to change. We work with organizations to leverage their strengths while empowering Black communities. Through research, best practices, and data analysis, we have identified key performance indicators (KPIs) that will hold us accountable to our goals and the community.
“Allies Make Statements. Accomplices Take Action.”
The overarching goal is to make our communities better places to live, work and do business. We believe that diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is a corporate responsibility. Therefore, Accompliceship in Action is not just a DEI program. Our plan will be breaking down silos and integrating corporate social responsibility (CSR), DEI, procurement, HR, finance and marketing & sales efforts as a cross-functional and community collaboration.

Our Partners
Accompliceship in Action, formally Indy Accompliceship, has worked with several organizations in taking action towards quantifiable, collective change. Hear from some of our partners on what this work means for them and how it has transformed their organizations.
Defining Success
Through research, best practices, and data analysis, we have identified key performance indicators (KPIs) that will hold us accountable to our goals and the community. Each pillar of action has specific metrics that can be utilized to define success for any organization. We work alongside your team to determine current state and what actions and goals are needed for you to get to your desired future state.
What Metrics Are Tracked?
Implicit bias training and follow up actions
% of Black people employed
% of Black people in leadership roles/teams
Black/white pay gap for similar positions
Engagement survey by Black Onyx Management
Updated policy and procedures hiring managers
# of Black people hired over the next 12 months
% of Black people hired in leadership roles
% of Black people on Corporate or non-profit boards
# of Black universities, orgs and job fairs attended
% and $ spent with Black prime vendors, suppliers and professional services
% and $ spent with & the percentage of Black sub vendors, suppliers and professional services
$ spent promoting to Black clients/customers
# of non-POC serving as advisors to Black orgs
# of hours volunteering with Black orgs
$ spent supporting Black orgs
# of Black-led initiatives supported
Partner Accomplices
Accompliceship in Action, formally Indy Accompliceship, has worked with several organizations in taking the pledge and taking action. Hear from some of our partners on what this pledge means for them and how it has transformed their organizations.
Ready to take Action?
Being an ally is good. Being an accomplice is better. To address systemic racism and make real, equitable changes in our communities we need more accomplices.
This plan will take a positive, yet firm approach to push companies out of their comfort zone while striving for more accountability in these four key areas. Your first act as an accomplice for good is to take the pledge. One hundred companies executing simultaneously throughout this pledge is a powerful force that will hold us more accountable and help us reach our goals at a higher level.

Marshawn Wolley, President
Doneisha Posey, Vice President & General Counsel
As a Black-owned applied research firm and management consultancy, Black Onyx Management, Inc. believes the journey of diversity, equity and inclusion is an intentional decision informed by empathy, a commitment to learning and a desire to change. Our consultants and advisors leverage their senior leadership experience in government, Fortune 500 companies, academia, and major non-profit and civic initiatives to support clients on their diversity, equity and inclusion journey. We manage for equity and opportunity within organizations while building the infrastructure for more equitable communities.

Connect with us
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